Thursday, April 30, 2009

There's just no words.

Fox has liked to use celebrities and other such nonsense to try and get their point across. To anyone who has the smallest inkling of intelligence, they don't give a flying fuck what Kim Kardashian thinks about...well...anything.

This excerpt is the always amazing and not crazy Glenn Beck talking to someone who is a "successful actor." Larry the Cable Guy. Go ahead and laugh. I'll wait.

Since that's out of the way, apparently rednecks are the answer to the "leftist agenda" because they won't let the government on their porch. Or something.
Also, they're good mechanics.

Mr. Hitchens, will you sign my yearbook?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Surprising info from Faux News

I'm shocked that they even put this on tv, and said it was over 40,000 years old. Too bad the world is only a few thousand years old. lol.

View it here, since their embedding scripting doesn't work.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hey, at least it's not New England.

I'll take it.

There was talk that Pat might be headed to NE or even the Vikings, but getting drafted by Miami, the birthplace of the wildcat, could get interesting.

Also, got pulled over today by a trooper. Ticket should be awesome.
Using Vista Ultimate now instead of XP. Thus far, no complaints.

Friday, April 24, 2009

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

More insanity

"But without question on Earth Day and every day, we owe our deepest gratitude to one inventor who is without equal. As long as men and women inhabit the earth, our very existence will be tied to his remarkable and unequaled creations, too numerous to mention, too complex to ever fully understand. He is known by thousands of names, but we call him God, the sole creator of the heavens and the earth. What incredible arrogance to believe that we limited human beings can destroy that which we cannot even begin to understand, much less create on our own, and that is earth and all of its glories. So today, on Earth Day, we here at the EIB Network thank God for Mother Earth and for allowing us to live in the greatest of nations on that earth, the United States of America." - Rush Limbaugh, April 22nd, 2009

We cannot even begin to understand? I'm pretty sure science has kinda..oh..figured out a lot of things over the last couple of hundred years. Maybe Mr. Limbaugh didn't attend science class in elementary, junior high, high school, or college, (provided he WENT to college) but it's pretty much set in stone.

His rant basically continued touting all the oil barons and the makers of such things as plastic grocery bags, and that's who we should really be celebrating on earth day. I'm no environmentalist, but for fucks sake.

Also, here's what he was personally doing to celebrate:

"By the way, this is Earth Day, ladies and gentlemen. Well, what am I going to do for Earth Day? I'm going to have every one of my cars driven as much as possible today. I've got my airplane flying to Los Angeles and back. Let's see, all the lights are going to be on, the air-conditioning down to 68 degrees in four of the five houses. The property manager likes it at 65. We're gonna have all kinds of beef. I'm fixing Allen Brothers all weekend long. I personally am going to see to it that we lose two acres of rain forest."

Fat bastard.

For the transcript of his radio show in it's entirety, click here.

I like to use sources for my information, something that they could learn from. Saying "a source tells Fox News" isn't citing sources, btw.

Eat it.

On an unrelated note, why is everything in the Conservative party and right-wing news media always preceded with "war?" They don't like to be called warmongers, but everything they say is war. The war on christmas, war on drugs, war on terror, etc etc. Just an observation.

Oh, and just like in MS Word, if you don't capitalize jesus, jehovah, or christmas, it comes up in spell checker as being mis-spelled. Freedom of religion. Provided you're christian of course.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh Sean. You're so nutty

Just ran across this little gem from Sean Hannity. The ends justify the means, remember.

"Because my attitude is that if we capture an enemy combatant in the battlefield -- or we can use Osama bin Laden -- who may have information about a pending attack. You know what, I don't have any problem taking his head sticking it underwater and scaring the living daylights out of him and making him think we're drowning him," declared Hannity, "and I'm a Christian."

Here's some video too. This comment is near the end.

Fox News is so awesome.

They have a poll up today, asking visitors if Bush administration officials should be prosecuted for drafting the torture memos. I bet you already know the answer.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Long time listener, first time caller.

I love America. I mean that. There's just a lot of aspects of America that I despise. The religious Right, megachurches, so-called "christians" that are more vile than I could ever dream of being, yet i'm the fuckface because I don't capitalize "god" or "jesus." By the way, why is a guy with a Mexican name in the middle east? Anyway, the list goes on. I could narrow it down, but that's the gist of it.

The main issue, in my eyes, that is holding this great country back is all the bickering between the left and the right. Guys like Rush, Hannity, Ann Coulter, and to a wee bit lesser extent Glenn Beck, do nothing for us except to incite hatred and divide the country. To them, anyone who isn't a "god-fearing American" that hates gays, the environment, science, and basically rational thought is all that's wrong with the country.

They sit and say that Obama has raised taxes so much, and we're now a socialist country, yada yada yada. The federal taxes taken out of my last paycheck was $11. Yep. $11. That's a HELL of a lot less than dubya was taking. Also, the rich, with their tax hikes, are now paying taxes that equal 10% less than they were taxed under their much-touted Ronald Reagan. Man...I hope they can survive to make all those car, mansion, and boat payments. Facts, assholes.

Then there's the tea parties. Holy shit people. Really? Last I checked, that event in history was due to England taxing the colonists on tea that was imported, and they had no say about it. No represenative from the colonies was able to fight on their behalf, and they got pissed. I'm pretty sure everyone that attended a "tea party" HAS representation on their behalf. They might be a little to dense to realize that, but it's true. They hate the truth though.

So much to say, yet so jumbled. This torture thing. Now, you see the wonderful "christian" right is CONDONING the use of waterboarding and other torture methods because in the end, the information saved American lives. We won't ever know if that's true. But what we do know is that this country is far above that. We're not a nation hell-bent on world domination (not directly, anyway.) The ends justify the means, right? That's the christian theology for ya. Love your fellow man, unless he happens to be brown and worship a different god. Then, drown that motherfucker. Give me a break.
