Friday, August 28, 2009

It's just too easy.

Look up the word Glenn uses in his mnemonic device. Just look it up. A simple google search of the spelling is enough.

Here. It's so easy, i'll do it for you.

September 5th, where are you?

Just checked and discovered the WVU opener against Liberty University will be on television. I have to say i'm shocked, as Liberty doesn't really pull a lot of viewers when football is concerned.

I'll be able to watch the annihilation of Mr. Falwell's football team. If you listen closely i'm sure you'll be able to hear the disgruntled sighs from the Liberty fans when they realize all that praying for a victory was ineffective.

One thing I did notice, however, was very very surprising. You would assume Liberty's team name would be something like "Crusaders" or "Warriors". Nope.

It's the Liberty University Flames.

Ironic? Maybe. Depends on how you look at it. I think it's fucking hilarious.

Monday, August 24, 2009

It's almost that time

College Football. It the best time of year, I think. With it comes the expectations that your favorite team is going to have a great year, go undefeated, and achieve greatness. Being a WVU fan, the expectations are high, but results lack at times. Good streaks are short lived for a true fan, but man are they great. Last year wasn't flawless, and this year won't be either. Here's to hoping Stu got his shit together in the offseason, and Jeff Mullen has figured out that "zone read left" and bubble screens for 60 minutes = you lose, idiot.

I was going to go on a tirade about the Sunday crowd and working in the restaurant biz, but instead: a video.

If you're a football fan, not even a WVU fan you'll appreciate it.
If you are a WVU fan, there will be some wet eyes. But that's ok.

They're football tears.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fuck you, Rush.

This video is a little old, but it's still awesome. I haven't watched much of these guys on youtube, but this is pretty good.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I can't decide

I'm torn. I think this is funny, but I really don't know what to think about it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

At Logan's tonight

Our waiter's name was Brock. He was built just like Brock Sampson, so it was awesome.
Best waiter evar btw.
He was also wearing crocs. With socks.

I lol'd. Then tipped him $10.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Random gripe

Facebook and Twitter. Does everyone really need to read a small book every 25 minutes just to make sure they know exactly what you're doing at all points in time? Celebs especially. Why do people give a fuck that Actor A did "something funny" then Actor B did something "even funnier", then it's on the fucking news.

Yay popular culture.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Update. Michelle Malkin must be ruined.

Trolls? Are you fucking serious? People can talk to me about their religious persecution all they want. I'm pretty damn sure no news agency is calling an entire group of people "Trolls." By the way, blonde host, it's called sarcasm.
I know, it's tough to understand big words. So i'll spell it out for you.

The atheists are replacing the sign that the christians stole with the words "Thou shall not steal" because it's supposed to be one of the founding principals of your non-troll love everyone religion. And they broke it.

Here's a definition for you too.

  /ˈsɑrkæzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sahr-kaz-uhm]
Use sarcasm in a Sentence
1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

I hope that clears up all the confusion you're having.

Oh btw Fox a offended atheist, I would appreciate it if you would cease to give Michelle Malkin and the blonde host on Fox & Friends air time for being obvious bigots. Such slander and harshness has no place in a national "news" organization. Also please fire Glenn Beck, for calling the President of the United States a racist on national television. Remember back when anyone who spoke out against the War in Iraq was arrested? Wow.
When Don Imus can get fired for what he said, yet Glenn Beck and call the POTUS a racist and get absolutely zero punishment, something is absolutely fucking wrong with this country.

100% Speechless.

Yay, Fox News. They KNOW their "Religious Correspondent" has no fucking idea what he's talking about, but they just laugh it off.