Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's almost over

Fuck you christmas shoppers. Seriously. It's just Christmas so call down.

Friday, December 18, 2009

New toy

Got a smartphone. Feels like I'm running around with a tricorder.

Monday, November 16, 2009

This is what texting has done to this country.

We need to outlaw text messaging. I'm serious.
Adults can normally write coherent sentences using a text message, but now people are growing up texting and speaking in ways that no one but an idiot can ever understand.

I was reading some comments on an NBA article on Yahoo! Sports. You all need to see this. It's disturbing.

What's more disturbing...people UNDERSTAND it, and no one says a damn thing about it.

1347. Posted by AdriaP Thu Nov 12 2:48pm EST
For as long as i can member Iverson has always been my top! yes he is getn old buh it dont matter2 me. LIke he sed b4 *he done w/ tha fame. he jus wants2 play* M a DOWN ASS IVERSON FAN4 LIFE!! Some peeps dk wat baksetball iz er how basketball is EVERTHING2 a TRU BALER! U wanna b on that court nd never sit bkuz u hav MAD LOVE4 tha game! Those who don't understand n e of that should keep thar mouths shut!U dk the meaning of LOVE & BASKETBALL! Those who do are TRU PLAYERS!! No matta wat n e1 sez it aint gonna bother A.i. er me! Hataz everywhere buh it ight, Iverson gon2 do his own thing! Watever it is, heck im bhind him ALL THA WAY (^_^)

Time for you to go to school, AdriaP. If you've been to school, and this is what you learned, i'd want a refund.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

God and Weddings

My friends Thomas and Annette got married today, and I was one of the ushers. I didn't mind putting on the tux (cause i'm a stud) or setting up, or spending the entire day there. What I DID mind, however, was the overly religious ceremony. Every other word in the ceremony was "fear of god" or "in the eyes of our loving savior" etc, etc.
I played along, since it wasn't my wedding or anything. But one thing struck me as insanely hypocritical, and it always will..

Before the ceremony could even begin, he needed a signed wedding certificate from a county government before it could be "official".

Then, he says in the ceremony that god is the only thing that can ordain marriages.
If that's the case, why the piece of paper from the government? Probably because all marriage consists of is a legally binding contract between two people, right now in this state that has to be a man and a woman. It's got nothing to do with being "right in the eyes of god". It's a contract that governments recognize as legal. Without it, god's marriage is bullshit.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Just a little football tidbit.

Marshall University has played WVU nine times over the last 100 years. They have lost all of those games.

I just did some math, and thought it was a fun fact. Since 1911, West Virginia has outscored Marshall 393-85.


In 1915. WVU beat Marshall 92-0 in Huntington.

I heard a lot of people ragging on WVU about not selling out the statium for the Marshall game, even though almost every other game is a sellout regardless of opponent.

I think that stat should shut them up. It's a major program vs. an underdeveloped program, that hasn't been prominent against this particular team.

It's also just flat not fun to watch sometimes. It's just another W on the scorecard, and that's too bad. If Marshall had more offensive weapons, they might have pulled it out this year. But the fact is, they didn't, they haven't, and they probably won't.

Fact of life.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rush Limbaugh, cont.

Today, he was dropped from the group that was trying to buy the Rams. I bet you already know what he had to say about it.

“This is not about the NFL, it’s not about the St. Louis Rams, it’s not about me,” Limbaugh said. “This is about the ongoing effort by the left in this country, wherever you find them, in the media, the Democrat Party, or wherever, to destroy conservatism, to prevent the mainstreaming of anyone who is prominent as a conservative.

What a cocksucker. It has nothing to do with "the left", it has to do with the fact that aside from your cult-like following of idiots, NO ONE IN AMERICA LIKES YOU. There's no room anymore for your kind of racist, bigoted, intellectually-inept ramblings on the forefront of American politics. The 1800's called. They want their racism back.

Full Article

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Take that, Rush.

Apparently, Rush Limbaugh wanted to bid to buy the St. Louis Rams. Guess what, Rush. The NFL commissioner hates you. At least one owner of one NFL team...hates you.

This is sweet, sweet justice. Makes me happy that fat lying blow-tards can't actually buy everything they want.

Here's a taste:
“I have said many times before that we are all held to a higher standard here,” the commissioner said. “I think divisive comments are not what the NFL is all about. I would not want to see those kind of comments from people who are in a responsible position within the NFL. No. Absolutely not.”

'According to transcripts posted on his Web site, in 2007 Limbaugh also said: “The NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.” That comment, and others, resurfaced this month when he revealed he is teaming with St. Louis Blues owner Dave Checketts to bid on the Rams.

In an e-mail to The Associated Press, Limbaugh said he was forced to respond because “the totally made-up and fabricated quotes attributed to me in recent media reports are outrageous and slanderous.” He also noted that he would be a minority owner in the prospective group, adding he is from Missouri and was saddened when the Cardinals left for Arizona.'

Here's the full article.

I just found this too in an article on some blog. A person in the comments wrote it, and it puts a lot of Limbaugh's base into perspective.

"I am a forever listener of ElRushbo. I listen to his actual words. He is not racist. He can be controversial only if you dont agree with him"

I guess we're all controversial when someone doesn't agree with us.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sometimes it takes a tragedy

I've never seen such honest emotion in a news broadcast. Not until today.

I've seen people spewing hate, and honestly believing it. But i've never seen a newscaster break down (except Glen Beck. But he's a puppet.) on air over something they believe in so much. It really put some things in perspective for me.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Get em, Frank.

I stole this from Friendly Atheist, who got it from YouTube. I think it warrants a reposting here, since he posts quite a bit and it might get lost. I need to buy his book to support him, and so you do.

Quick update

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I just now found this out. It's earth shattering information. I can't believe I never knew about this!

Apparently, Warlocks are the enemy of god.

It's ok don't worry. I pissed my pants too.

Who says we don't need insurance reform

It's dental insurance, but it still falls into the same vein.

Two months ago, I had a root canal done. The dentist ran my insurance, and gave me a price to pay based on the amount Delta Dental normally pays for root canals. So up front, I paid $190 out of my pocket and got the work done.

Today I come home to a nice fat $110 bill from my dentist. I called them, and was informed that the insurance only paid a portion of what they normally pay, and I will have to pay the amount in full before further work can be done. I was also informed that the estimated amount was done as a courtesy, and it isn't always accurate, just based on past trends from whatever insurance company a person has.

I was supposed to go tomorrow to have a temporary filling removed, and two more done. My estimated portion out of pocket for this was $70. I'm not going now. I don't want to be hit with yet another bill two months down the road because the insurance I pay for decided they don't want to pay for me to get my dental work done. This is exactly the issue for most Americans who aren't in the top tier tax brackets. The conservatives keep telling us insurance is fine, grow up and get a job to pay for it, etc etc. I don't have an extra $180 to go get some fillings done, then come up with MORE money later in the year to pay for it AGAIN because the insurance decided they aren't going to pay what they normally do.

Something needs to be done. There's a reason the people in this country are obese, unhealthy, dying, and have bad teeth. It's all the fault of huge insurance companies deciding our fates. We're not all Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh. I don't own multiple houses, jets, cars, etc. I'm a working student with little extra money.

Sorry, teeth. You're all doomed.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Tales from the gas station

There I was, pumping gas. A homeless man walks up to me, and asks if I have any spare change. I don't, so I informed him of this fact. "That's ok. god bless you." he says.

"Wait." I said. "Why did you say god bless you?"

The next part is absolute gold.

"Because god blesses everyone and everything. Plus it's the right thing to do."

So, I asked this dirty, smelly unshaven man how god has blessed him. He didn't have an answer. He just stared at me for a moment, and walked away completely taken aback by what happened.

Maybe I just changed someones life. Maybe he'll stop praying for a solution and go out and find one for himself. I honestly hope so.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I almost threw up in my mouth

At the hilarity that ensues in this clip. Just take the 10mins and watch it all.
Please. For the children.

Friday, August 28, 2009

It's just too easy.

Look up the word Glenn uses in his mnemonic device. Just look it up. A simple google search of the spelling is enough.

Here. It's so easy, i'll do it for you.

September 5th, where are you?

Just checked and discovered the WVU opener against Liberty University will be on television. I have to say i'm shocked, as Liberty doesn't really pull a lot of viewers when football is concerned.

I'll be able to watch the annihilation of Mr. Falwell's football team. If you listen closely i'm sure you'll be able to hear the disgruntled sighs from the Liberty fans when they realize all that praying for a victory was ineffective.

One thing I did notice, however, was very very surprising. You would assume Liberty's team name would be something like "Crusaders" or "Warriors". Nope.

It's the Liberty University Flames.

Ironic? Maybe. Depends on how you look at it. I think it's fucking hilarious.

Monday, August 24, 2009

It's almost that time

College Football. It the best time of year, I think. With it comes the expectations that your favorite team is going to have a great year, go undefeated, and achieve greatness. Being a WVU fan, the expectations are high, but results lack at times. Good streaks are short lived for a true fan, but man are they great. Last year wasn't flawless, and this year won't be either. Here's to hoping Stu got his shit together in the offseason, and Jeff Mullen has figured out that "zone read left" and bubble screens for 60 minutes = you lose, idiot.

I was going to go on a tirade about the Sunday crowd and working in the restaurant biz, but instead: a video.

If you're a football fan, not even a WVU fan you'll appreciate it.
If you are a WVU fan, there will be some wet eyes. But that's ok.

They're football tears.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fuck you, Rush.

This video is a little old, but it's still awesome. I haven't watched much of these guys on youtube, but this is pretty good.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I can't decide

I'm torn. I think this is funny, but I really don't know what to think about it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

At Logan's tonight

Our waiter's name was Brock. He was built just like Brock Sampson, so it was awesome.
Best waiter evar btw.
He was also wearing crocs. With socks.

I lol'd. Then tipped him $10.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Random gripe

Facebook and Twitter. Does everyone really need to read a small book every 25 minutes just to make sure they know exactly what you're doing at all points in time? Celebs especially. Why do people give a fuck that Actor A did "something funny" then Actor B did something "even funnier", then it's on the fucking news.

Yay popular culture.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Update. Michelle Malkin must be ruined.

Trolls? Are you fucking serious? People can talk to me about their religious persecution all they want. I'm pretty damn sure no news agency is calling an entire group of people "Trolls." By the way, blonde host, it's called sarcasm.
I know, it's tough to understand big words. So i'll spell it out for you.

The atheists are replacing the sign that the christians stole with the words "Thou shall not steal" because it's supposed to be one of the founding principals of your non-troll love everyone religion. And they broke it.

Here's a definition for you too.

  /ˈsÉ‘rkæzÉ™m/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sahr-kaz-uhm]
Use sarcasm in a Sentence
1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

I hope that clears up all the confusion you're having.

Oh btw Fox a offended atheist, I would appreciate it if you would cease to give Michelle Malkin and the blonde host on Fox & Friends air time for being obvious bigots. Such slander and harshness has no place in a national "news" organization. Also please fire Glenn Beck, for calling the President of the United States a racist on national television. Remember back when anyone who spoke out against the War in Iraq was arrested? Wow.
When Don Imus can get fired for what he said, yet Glenn Beck and call the POTUS a racist and get absolutely zero punishment, something is absolutely fucking wrong with this country.

100% Speechless.

Yay, Fox News. They KNOW their "Religious Correspondent" has no fucking idea what he's talking about, but they just laugh it off.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I know, you've missed me.

It's been about a month since anything was posted. That's not for lack of interest, rather a lack of motivation. I haven't been feeling myself lately, and haven't had the drive to do anything except, well...exist. We all get in a rut from time to time, and hopefully mine is coming to and end.

For whatever reason, I found myself with an irrational hunger to watch all things Superman. It's a good thing the internet exists, as I only had to buy a couple of things. I don't mind buying them when they're cheap, so no big loss. Grabbed Superman:Returns for 5.99 on Amazon. Yeah, that's about the right price for it.

At any rate, I downloaded and watched the entire series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. All in all, it was absolutely fantastic. So fantastic, I watched the last episode this evening and was sad that the journey was over. Part of that is because the show never got a formal last episode, and this was obviously meant to be a season-ending cliffhanger ending that was never resolved. I won't post spoilers here unless asked.

John Shea was probably the most deceptively impressive Lex Luthor to have played the role. He was only a main character during the first season, but as you can imagine his influence is able to reach beyond the grave. The should would surely have benefited from keeping him around longer, as three years of mostly one-off villains that ranged in quality from superb to children (yes. children.), didn't do the show that much help.

There was quite a lot of "I love you, Lois" with deep stares in the series, but for the most part they were necessary. There was a lot of focus on Lois and Clark's romance, ranging from 'will she figure it out' to 'how will they make this marriage work.' I'm not usually one for all that lovey-dovery crap, seeing as there's only so many times you can watch them jump into bed together and still give a shit. But, it was 88 episodes of Superman always triumphing over evil, and getting the girl. As odd as it sounds, it gave me a great deal of solace during my rut to know that I had something I could identify with and latch on to, and it made things right in my mind.

I'm not an eloquent writer, and have never boasted such falsehoods. I'm also not one to really talk about anything to anyone, so that's my attempt. To sum it up: Superman is awesome, and I wish I could fly.

There was also one moment of absolute hilarity for me, and it took all I had to hold my tongue. My may-as-well-be mother in law came by last week, and we talked about Superman for a few. She made a comment that I could only muster a stare, less I really make her and her mormon husband mad. She said to me "When I saw Superman fly up above the clouds, listening to all the cries for help, it reminded me of god. It must be quite a job having to listen to all those people."

I wanted to say "But, there's a difference. Your god will listen to the people's troubles, but Superman will help them."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh Glenn.

This is wonderful. Glenn Beck has been a liar for a long time, and he's finally outed for it. I laughed so hard watching this whole thing. It's a bad day to be a Glenn Beck fan.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub. Yay, god!

I just discovered on Wiki that Michael Savage's birth name is Michael Weiner. I still have the hiccups from the bellowing laughter.

Also, saw a sign coming off the interstate today that was simply a website,
Hoping it was something awesome, I checked it out. Wrong.

My personal favorite part is this one girl. Blue shirt, I believe. She said, and I quote: "We live in a simple world that suffering to bring him more glory since he can't change the fact we live in sin."
Glory to god in the highest! He makes us suffer so HE can get HIS jollies, and then we ask him for a little bit more. Good thing he's not the puppetmaster.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Silly mainstream media.

We should all listen to Fox. They have it all, folks. Here's an awesome example of how they are in-touch with America. And here I thought all this junk was a bunch of folks who now have LOWER taxes, and that upper echelon of citizen that makes $250k/year now has taxes that are 10% LOWER than when their loved Ronald Reagan was in office, griping about their MASSIVE tax hikes. MASSIVE I SAY!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Any ideas?

It's been getting on my nerves lately the talk of the "conservative underground" and "conservatism in exile."

When the GOP was in power for so long, I didn't see a liberal underground, or them saying they were in exile. Maybe the GOP is full of more crybabies than I thought.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

There's just no words.

Fox has liked to use celebrities and other such nonsense to try and get their point across. To anyone who has the smallest inkling of intelligence, they don't give a flying fuck what Kim Kardashian thinks about...well...anything.

This excerpt is the always amazing and not crazy Glenn Beck talking to someone who is a "successful actor." Larry the Cable Guy. Go ahead and laugh. I'll wait.

Since that's out of the way, apparently rednecks are the answer to the "leftist agenda" because they won't let the government on their porch. Or something.
Also, they're good mechanics.

Mr. Hitchens, will you sign my yearbook?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Surprising info from Faux News

I'm shocked that they even put this on tv, and said it was over 40,000 years old. Too bad the world is only a few thousand years old. lol.

View it here, since their embedding scripting doesn't work.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hey, at least it's not New England.

I'll take it.

There was talk that Pat might be headed to NE or even the Vikings, but getting drafted by Miami, the birthplace of the wildcat, could get interesting.

Also, got pulled over today by a trooper. Ticket should be awesome.
Using Vista Ultimate now instead of XP. Thus far, no complaints.

Friday, April 24, 2009

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

More insanity

"But without question on Earth Day and every day, we owe our deepest gratitude to one inventor who is without equal. As long as men and women inhabit the earth, our very existence will be tied to his remarkable and unequaled creations, too numerous to mention, too complex to ever fully understand. He is known by thousands of names, but we call him God, the sole creator of the heavens and the earth. What incredible arrogance to believe that we limited human beings can destroy that which we cannot even begin to understand, much less create on our own, and that is earth and all of its glories. So today, on Earth Day, we here at the EIB Network thank God for Mother Earth and for allowing us to live in the greatest of nations on that earth, the United States of America." - Rush Limbaugh, April 22nd, 2009

We cannot even begin to understand? I'm pretty sure science has kinda..oh..figured out a lot of things over the last couple of hundred years. Maybe Mr. Limbaugh didn't attend science class in elementary, junior high, high school, or college, (provided he WENT to college) but it's pretty much set in stone.

His rant basically continued touting all the oil barons and the makers of such things as plastic grocery bags, and that's who we should really be celebrating on earth day. I'm no environmentalist, but for fucks sake.

Also, here's what he was personally doing to celebrate:

"By the way, this is Earth Day, ladies and gentlemen. Well, what am I going to do for Earth Day? I'm going to have every one of my cars driven as much as possible today. I've got my airplane flying to Los Angeles and back. Let's see, all the lights are going to be on, the air-conditioning down to 68 degrees in four of the five houses. The property manager likes it at 65. We're gonna have all kinds of beef. I'm fixing Allen Brothers all weekend long. I personally am going to see to it that we lose two acres of rain forest."

Fat bastard.

For the transcript of his radio show in it's entirety, click here.

I like to use sources for my information, something that they could learn from. Saying "a source tells Fox News" isn't citing sources, btw.

Eat it.

On an unrelated note, why is everything in the Conservative party and right-wing news media always preceded with "war?" They don't like to be called warmongers, but everything they say is war. The war on christmas, war on drugs, war on terror, etc etc. Just an observation.

Oh, and just like in MS Word, if you don't capitalize jesus, jehovah, or christmas, it comes up in spell checker as being mis-spelled. Freedom of religion. Provided you're christian of course.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh Sean. You're so nutty

Just ran across this little gem from Sean Hannity. The ends justify the means, remember.

"Because my attitude is that if we capture an enemy combatant in the battlefield -- or we can use Osama bin Laden -- who may have information about a pending attack. You know what, I don't have any problem taking his head sticking it underwater and scaring the living daylights out of him and making him think we're drowning him," declared Hannity, "and I'm a Christian."

Here's some video too. This comment is near the end.

Fox News is so awesome.

They have a poll up today, asking visitors if Bush administration officials should be prosecuted for drafting the torture memos. I bet you already know the answer.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Long time listener, first time caller.

I love America. I mean that. There's just a lot of aspects of America that I despise. The religious Right, megachurches, so-called "christians" that are more vile than I could ever dream of being, yet i'm the fuckface because I don't capitalize "god" or "jesus." By the way, why is a guy with a Mexican name in the middle east? Anyway, the list goes on. I could narrow it down, but that's the gist of it.

The main issue, in my eyes, that is holding this great country back is all the bickering between the left and the right. Guys like Rush, Hannity, Ann Coulter, and to a wee bit lesser extent Glenn Beck, do nothing for us except to incite hatred and divide the country. To them, anyone who isn't a "god-fearing American" that hates gays, the environment, science, and basically rational thought is all that's wrong with the country.

They sit and say that Obama has raised taxes so much, and we're now a socialist country, yada yada yada. The federal taxes taken out of my last paycheck was $11. Yep. $11. That's a HELL of a lot less than dubya was taking. Also, the rich, with their tax hikes, are now paying taxes that equal 10% less than they were taxed under their much-touted Ronald Reagan. Man...I hope they can survive to make all those car, mansion, and boat payments. Facts, assholes.

Then there's the tea parties. Holy shit people. Really? Last I checked, that event in history was due to England taxing the colonists on tea that was imported, and they had no say about it. No represenative from the colonies was able to fight on their behalf, and they got pissed. I'm pretty sure everyone that attended a "tea party" HAS representation on their behalf. They might be a little to dense to realize that, but it's true. They hate the truth though.

So much to say, yet so jumbled. This torture thing. Now, you see the wonderful "christian" right is CONDONING the use of waterboarding and other torture methods because in the end, the information saved American lives. We won't ever know if that's true. But what we do know is that this country is far above that. We're not a nation hell-bent on world domination (not directly, anyway.) The ends justify the means, right? That's the christian theology for ya. Love your fellow man, unless he happens to be brown and worship a different god. Then, drown that motherfucker. Give me a break.
