Friday, May 8, 2009

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub. Yay, god!

I just discovered on Wiki that Michael Savage's birth name is Michael Weiner. I still have the hiccups from the bellowing laughter.

Also, saw a sign coming off the interstate today that was simply a website,
Hoping it was something awesome, I checked it out. Wrong.

My personal favorite part is this one girl. Blue shirt, I believe. She said, and I quote: "We live in a simple world that suffering to bring him more glory since he can't change the fact we live in sin."
Glory to god in the highest! He makes us suffer so HE can get HIS jollies, and then we ask him for a little bit more. Good thing he's not the puppetmaster.


  1. The responses were from random encounters on a college campus. It was merely a perspective on what others had to say on the questions. Soon, we'll be welcoming video responses on where you see God is working as well as where you don't see anything.

    You are welcome to limit your response to this write-up with no substance, but I'm inviting you to take part in the discussion.

  2. I understand the premise. It's one perspective on what common people think about the suffering wrought by god.
    I have my own perspective, and I don't see any god working. I see people with free will making their own decisions, good or bad, and with that comes consequences depending on what action is chosen. It isn't part of god's plan. It's regular people going about their lives, while praising god for the good things and wondering where he is during the bad and how he can allow it to happen and try to understand it.
    I won't be submitting a video, but thank you for the invitation to do so. We're of course on opposite sides of the fence on this issue, and neither of us will ever change our minds.
