Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh Glenn.

This is wonderful. Glenn Beck has been a liar for a long time, and he's finally outed for it. I laughed so hard watching this whole thing. It's a bad day to be a Glenn Beck fan.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub. Yay, god!

I just discovered on Wiki that Michael Savage's birth name is Michael Weiner. I still have the hiccups from the bellowing laughter.

Also, saw a sign coming off the interstate today that was simply a website,
Hoping it was something awesome, I checked it out. Wrong.

My personal favorite part is this one girl. Blue shirt, I believe. She said, and I quote: "We live in a simple world that suffering to bring him more glory since he can't change the fact we live in sin."
Glory to god in the highest! He makes us suffer so HE can get HIS jollies, and then we ask him for a little bit more. Good thing he's not the puppetmaster.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Silly mainstream media.

We should all listen to Fox. They have it all, folks. Here's an awesome example of how they are in-touch with America. And here I thought all this junk was a bunch of folks who now have LOWER taxes, and that upper echelon of citizen that makes $250k/year now has taxes that are 10% LOWER than when their loved Ronald Reagan was in office, griping about their MASSIVE tax hikes. MASSIVE I SAY!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Any ideas?

It's been getting on my nerves lately the talk of the "conservative underground" and "conservatism in exile."

When the GOP was in power for so long, I didn't see a liberal underground, or them saying they were in exile. Maybe the GOP is full of more crybabies than I thought.